Style Vibe Savvy Ed. 7

So, the challenge is,
can you wake up
tomorrow and give
yourself at least 3 body
positive compliments? I’m
talking about GENUINE
compliments like the ones
you constantly give out to
your friends, family and

Style Vibe Savvy Ed. 5

Welcome back to another
year of The Style Vibe Savvy! I
truly hope everyone had a safe
and happy Christmas along
with a fun New Years and the
opportunity to do whatever it is
that makes you happy.

Style Vibe Savvy Ed. 4

Hi everyone! It is great to be back with another Style
Vibe Savvy column. This year is flying along fast! and
with that I would like to share an attitude of gratitude for
the opportunity to connect with you all once again!

Style Vibe Savvy Ed. 1

Welcome to another edition
of The Style Vibe Savvy! I’m
currently writing this column
from my hotel balcony which
looks out into the incredible
turquoise water in Mykonos
where we are lucky enough to be